trim & stamping dies for aluminium & magnesium body panels
We manufacture complete trim & stamping dies for automotive body panels out of aluminium and magnesium:
- These components are substantially larger than the usual aluminium-parts and are typically 1 - 3 m long. The trim-contour is 3-dimensional: we use different methods for design and manufacture of the cutting steels.
- The components can be out of Aluminium or Magnesium and they have much large thicknesses than usual cast aluminium parts.
- Because of the high thickness the trim-dies ressamble stamping dies, and therefore higher rigidity is required for the overall design. Especially the cutting steels, the punches and the guiding sytem have to be strong enough.
- Due to the vertical heigth of the components completely new designs for the blankholder are required.
- Due to the complex design of cast body panels, a wealth of component-specific solutions are required.

- The gating systems fo body panels are much more complex than for usual castings and special measures are required in the die to cut the gating reliantly. We regret not being able to show the gating systems of our customers.
- Cast body panels have especially thick gating contacts, that cannot be trimmed with regular steels without any manual finishing. In order to solve this problem, we offer a special solution.
- The vertical cuts are especially demanding, as shown in the next picture. Here we also offer specific solutions.

- We run our own trim-pressline for George Fischer and work with our own and with supplied trim-dies for both GF and Volkswagen; with more than 70 tons/day, we know production reality. We also trim and stamp body panels for our customers.
- We design and deliver complete handling-systems with all grippers & complete automation for complete trim-die systems
- We deliver complete, fully automated trimming solutions to George Fischer and to Volkswagen: several trim dies, handling systems, robot programming and central-computer connections
- There are several try-out presses in our own die-shop, prepared for trim-dies with up to 2 x 6 slides; in special cases we work with additional hydraulic systems
- We regularly supply trim dies with our own design to the "VW-Group" and to the "George Fischer-Group"
The worldwide most complex trim die was built for this large Magnesium-casting, which is part of the current AUDI A8:
- This "middle console" is the center of and the starting point for the measurement of the body-in-white interior and therefore the part must be exact and precise.
- This is the first time that a light-metal casting is used as a precision part for an automotive body-in-white.
- This casting has been awarded several prizes.
- The diecasting die was built by VW, and the trim-die war designed and built by Eurocomp Systems.
- We also run this die and stamp and trim this middle console for the AUDI A8 in series, at out location in Kassel-Niedenstein.
- We thus offer to our customer VW "tools and series parts from 1 single supplier". Especially for new parts this is a great advantage for the customer in order to avoid potential "misunderstandings" between different suppliers.

This trim die has:
- 6 hydraulic slides, some of them internally linked
- 22 CNC-contour-punches
- some punches with "pre-destruction" function
- ultra-thin final thicknesses in some stamping areas
- complete trim of the total contour in all 3 axes
- over 50 contour-steels
- stamped thicknesses with more than 3 mm
- stamping with double-action function
- trim-coordinates defined by the reference-point-system (RPS) of the complete body
- gating-destruction-function
- hot and cold trim
- integrated hydraulic lift-cylinders
- several special functions
- some functions adapted to the special behaviour of magnesium
- the complete trim die weighs 10 tons
- length of casting more than 1,20 m